Flavia MT Dagradi

Born in Milan, classical education, after university she worked for several years in the marketing of multinational companies, then she chose to be an independent professional contractor to have more time to devote to travel and mainly to painting, thanks to which she deepened the study of colors: in fact, she holds courses and workshops on the history, language and symbolism of colors.

After a long work with Maestro Umberto Tedeschi, in 2001 he founded together with four other painters the Atmosfere group, active until 2013, which had as its central theme the landscape and the fascinated observation of reality, which inserted the pictorial group in the twentieth-century current of magical realism.

In 2013 he opened his own atelier, where he takes up an ancient love, the one for painting animals and human figures, with a very particular introspective and psychological study.
Animalia, the section dedicated in particular to roosters, chickens, birds, birds of prey, caught with great irony in their ability to be bizarre, unusual and curious, very human and some very funny.
Figurae instead reveals a series of faces in great solitude, implosion, folding, almost of active exclusion from life.

In recent years, the pictorial evolution has instead stretched towards the rendering in oil on canvas of statues and faces of terracotta, clay, porcelain, a material and flat rendering, a transposition into painting of works of oriental origin: the China and Japan, visited for a long time, are in fact two elective countries to which the artist has always looked at as places of pure beauty, refined aesthetics, distant looks but who know how to live in their contemporaneity with vigor and firmness, with unexpected colors and innovative techniques.